World Hepatitis Day – 28 July

World hepatitis day is observed on 28th July every year to spread awareness about the cause and prevention of the disease. The world is united in the elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030. It is one of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) seven officially mandated global public health days.
The date of 28 July was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel-prize-winning scientist Dr. Baruch Blumberg (1925–2011), who discovered hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 196 and 2 years later he developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for the virus. Organizations around the world, including WHO and CDC, commemorate World Hepatitis Day to raise awareness of the problem of viral hepatitis, which impacts more than 325 million people worldwide.
The human liver performs various functions like bile formation and toxin filtration. Hepatitis is caused due to the inflammation of the liver. There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus – A, B, C, D, and E. Together, hepatitis B and C are the most common cause of death, with 1.3 million lives lost each year. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, viral hepatitis continues to claim thousands of lives every day.
In 2022 the theme is ‘I can’t wait‘. World Hepatitis Day, 28 July, calls on people from across the world to take action and raise awareness of hepatitis because Hepatitis Can’t Wait.
Viral hepatitis is one of the greatest global health threats today and results in 1.34 million deaths per year. The three types of hepatitis are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. While all three types affect the liver, it’s important to be aware of some of the key differences:
Hepatitis A tends to be a short-term illness. The liver can heal itself in two to six months. It is primarily transferred through exposure to infected feces. Greater Louisville has seen a recent increase in hepatitis A cases. Hepatitis A can be prevented by a vaccine. Students entering public schools in Kentucky this fall are required to have a hepatitis A vaccine.
Hepatitis B infects the body longer than hepatitis A, usually taking the liver up to six months to recover. Hepatitis B rarely causes severe liver damage, however it can if not treated appropriately. This type of hepatitis is easily spread, especially through sexual activity or by direct contact with bodily fluids. A hepatitis B vaccine can prevent infection.
Hepatitis C can begin as a short-term infection, however often leads to a lifelong illness. Like hepatitis B, this virus can be contracted sexually or by direct contact with bodily fluids. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C, however, there are a variety of drugs to treat it.
In recognition of World Hepatitis Day, people are encouraged to:
Take the online hepatitis risk assessment.
Get tested for hepatitis C.
If you have hepatitis C, talk to an infectious disease specialist, hepatologist, or gastroenterologist about treatment options.
Get tested for hepatitis B. If testing indicates you have not been previously exposed to the hepatitis B virus, get vaccinated for hepatitis B to prevent future infection.
Get vaccinated for hepatitis A.
World Hepatitis Day Quotes
“Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. Indeed, parents whose children are vaccinated no longer have to worry about their child’s death or disability from whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis, or a host of other infections.” – Ezekiel Emanuel
If we will not open our eyes to the increasing number of people dying due to hepatitis then we will never wake up to the threat. Warm wishes on World Hepatitis Day
Get vaccinated on World Hepatitis Day and prevent yourself from falling prey to any of those Hepatitis diseases.
So many people in this world are getting affected by Hepatitis every year and World Hepatitis Day gives us an opportunity to act on it.
“Hepatitis doesn’t always present symptoms.” – Karen Gonzales
One can easily prevent Hepatitis by staying vigilant and following healthy habits.
“During World Hepatitis Day, let us promise that we will never neglect our health and that we will never allow anyone to ignore it.”
“Hepatitis A and B are vaccine-preventable diseases, yet they continue to be the most commonly reported vaccine-preventable diseases. Getting vaccinated, especially if you are at high risk, provides the best protection from these diseases”.
“People are reticent to give a newborn the hepatitis B vaccine and often delay it.” – Paul A. Offit
You won’t be able to see the symptoms of Hepatitis every time, so beware and raise awareness about the disease Hepatitis on World Hepatitis Day.
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