World Cancer Rose Day (welfare of cancer patients)

World Rose day is observed on 22nd September every year with an aim to spread the message to all cancer patients that they can fight the disease with a strong spirit. Its main motive is to support the cancer patients so that they can fight the disease with strong will & strength. In India, across the nation, Doctors and health experts celebrate this day remembering the brave souls and encouraging those who are going through the rough patch.
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body. Cancer develops when the body’s normal control mechanism stops working. Old cells do not die and instead grow out of control, forming new, abnormal cells. But when there’s a will, there’s a way so “BE positive & behave positive”.
World Cancer Rose Day History
World Cancer Rose Day is observed in the memory of 12-year-old Melinda Rose from Canada, who was diagnosed with Askin’s Tumour, which is a rare form of blood cancer.
Doctors had said that she would not live for more than a few weeks, but she lived for six more months. She, till her last breath, did not give up hope of survival. In the last six months of her life, she continued to fight and made each day count by touching the lives of those around her in a positive way.
Rose day is observed to spread a message to all cancer patients that they can fight the disease with strong willpower and spirit and there are many individuals and services that are providing support to them medically, financially, and emotionally.
How can you celebrate World Cancer Rose Day?
Give gifts roses, cards to cancer patients to uplift their moods, and also we can write notes of endearment and be supportive of their family members. They too are battling in this case. Rose is a symbol of love, tenderness, and concern when offered to cancer patients will give them strength to fight their cancer battle. Cancer is not the end of life, with hope and passion, many people also become successful in fighting a serious disease like cancer.
Special workshops, events are organized to bring joy and strength to cancer patients. Awareness Drives are held to make people aware of how they can detect the many types of cancers. You can also donate towards the cause, there are many cancer welfare societies doing their bit with utmost sincerity, and your donation whether in cash or any other kind will legitimize their efforts.
The day is also a reminder for people to spend quality time with cancer patients and spread happiness and cheer in their lives without making them feel sick or unwanted. During this pandemic time, many digital events are held remotely to connect with cancer patients and brighten up with constructive social interactions.
If you can look at your cancer just as a simple word, half your worries shall be taking a different direction. I hope you have an amazing Rose Day ahead.
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