Time Management

Our life is like a bubble, a short morning reverie. Therefore we should take good care and make the best use of it. ‘Time Management’ is basically planning and earmarking one’s time in a constructive way.
For instance, we have a number of activities that have to be taken care of in a particular period of time. So, we should be able to plan our activities in such a way that we are able to complete all the work in a given span of time.
It is in fact that if a man takes care of his ‘minutes’ then the ‘hours’ and ‘days’ will take care of themselves. It is said that “Time is more precious than money”, this is because money is lost in business or otherwise can be gained or earned again. But, time once lost, will never come back.
We all grow in time, live in a time, and ultimately, perish in time. There may not be an exact definition of time, but we all know what it is and its great value in a person’s life. A man has a long list of what he wants, we need fame, success, money, happiness, love, etc.
There is no end to our desires, however, only a few of all are successful, prosperous, and happy. They are the ones, who realized the value of time and make the best use of their time and attain an enviable position in society.
People, who made effective use of time at their disposal, got the best from time. But, those who forgot the value of time found, to their utter dismay, that it was harsh on them later.
In other words, successful persons use time in the best possible manner to achieve their goals. Most of us waste our precious time on unnecessary things, such as gossips, roaming aimlessly, grieving over past blunders, or daydreaming. It must always be kept in mind that “time and tide wait for none.” Time can be spent wisely or foolishly, the choice is ours and so are its consequences.
Life is not a bed of roses, each and every one of us has to face a number of problems in life, we have to be bold and courageous enough to face them. Problems are part of life and we need to be strong and courageous enough to face them. Hard times teach us a lot, they prepare us for a prosperous and glorious future. If a difficult time arrives, it would prepare us for a better life. We would be able to handle problems in the future with more maturity, more patience, and courage.
Basically, time and opportunity once lost can never be recovered. The flow of time is ceaseless and eternal and we all are like small insignificant particles in this endless and continuous flow. Time is eternal and endless, but human life is very limited, finite, and short-lived. Hence, successful people make the best use of time in their lives. A work done is time gained, a decision taken at an appropriate moment can work wonders. Hence, let us strike the iron while it is red hot.
We must make the best use of the good times and make arrangements for the bad times during the good times. When the bad times knock at our doorstep, we should face them bravely with perseverance. That is how a seasoned and experienced human being would be able to master time with his resources, skills, and experience.
Proper use of time means the right use of an opportunity. As a very popular saying goes – “A stitch in time saves nine”. As opportunities in life are few and far between, so is time precious and limited. Those of us who miss an opportunity or waste time, have to repent all our life. This implies that we must be punctual, disciplined, and regular in our work schedule.
One should inculcate the habit of going to bed early and rising early as one can complete a number of tasks before the sun has even risen. For this purpose, one must never be plagued with lazy or bad habits, such as sleeping late at night or remaining glued to the television for long hours.
To conclude, it is foolish to think that we can make up for the lost time. There is a popular saying that “the past is dead and the future is unborn”. there is no tomorrow and yesterdays, it is today which is important. Time is very powerful, it has more power than the mightiest of monarchs. For they come and go, but time remains forever, without an end or a beginning.
So, we must ensure that we make the best use of time in our limited span of life on earth. All great men are great economizers of time and have left their footprints on the sands of time. We should try to follow the great men and learn to make the best use of time.
Basic Time Management Tools we all need
1. Create your own time planner
We all need a time planner to plan and organize our activities in life. The best time planner can be an electronic version or simple list which will enable you to plan your activity in various months, weeks, and days.
2. Organize By Priority
Once a list is formed you need to organize it according to the order of priority. You can plan your activities from morning to evening in the most effective and efficient way.
3. Avoid distraction while at work
Don’t waste your time in distracting activities like checking Facebook, Emails, you can do these in the afternoon when people are less attentive and need a short break.
4. Take Breaks
Wasting time is a big NO but in order to increase your productivity you need to give your body rest, your mind needs rest from sustained concentration and work.
5. Try Digital Detox
You might try Digital Detox to get the necessary self-discipline and rest. People have survived before these electronic devices came so we can do now and you will be amazed by how much additional time you could claim by Digital Detox.
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