Sweet Corn Soup

Sweet Corn Soup (स्वीट कॉर्न सूप) is an all-time favorite recipe for all. This soup can be served before lunch or dinner to increase the appetite.
- Corn – full one cup
- Corn – 1 tbs
- Peas, carrot, beans 1/2 cup ( totally)
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Cornstarch 1 tbs or to the thickness
- Vinegar 1/2 spoon
- Spring onions 2 strings
- Macaroni pasta 1/4 cup ( optional )
- Water as needed
In a pan or saucepan add all the veggies mentioned above add the required water, and allow it to boil for a high in 10 mins.
While boiling, take a small mixie jar to add 1 tbs of corn add 1 tbs of water and grind them as a paste.
Now add this paste to the boiling veggies and mix well.
Add salt here and mix well and close the lid. Let this boil for another 10 mins under medium flame.
If you want you can add some macaroni here, allow it to cook for some time.
Now add cornstarch here (1:2) and water.
Add water according to the consistency, and boil for 5 more mins. Check the salt and pepper.
Add finely chopped spring onions and mix well and serve hot.
Suggested Read: Famous Food Of Indian States