National Telephone Day – 25 April

On April 25th, we observe National Telephone Day. Imagine a world without phones? It would have never been possible to call, text or video chat anyone you’d like. This globe of ours would be a pretty stagnant place for personal to professional life.
Since 1876, the telephone has given rise to a slew of innovations, including consolidated communications. What a journey it’s been. The purpose of celebrating National Telephone Day is to highlight the importance of this great device and to give tribute to Alexander Graham Bell who invented this remarkable device for us.
The holiday remembers the fateful day in 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell introduced the first telephone (called the “electric speaking machine”) and permanently changed the world. National Telephone Day encourages us to reflect on the incredible evolution that has led us to today’s digital smartphones.
History Of National Telephone Day
In the late 1800s, the need for a better communication device was well recognized, and various people were at work on a solution. Bell, was the first to apply for a patent—awarded on March 7, 1876—and so the acclaim goes to him.
Bell is credited with inventing the telephone, but there were many forerunners before Bell’s model. With his teletrofono, Antonio Meucci is widely credited with inventing the telephone. Meucci’s prototype, unlike the modern phone, which converts sounds into electrical signals, did not perform as well as later versions. Alexander Graham Bell’s first telephone relied on sound transmission. This sound is then converted into an electric signal that can travel a long distance.
Alexander Graham Bell was the first person to patent the telephone, in 1876. Early telephones were wired directly to each other and could only talk to the phone that they were connected to. Later, telephone exchanges allowed connecting to other telephones. During the 20th century, the machines that made the connections were automated.
Alexander Graham Bell uttered the first words over what he called his “electrical speech machine.” Those words, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you,” traveled only to his assistant who was working in the next room, but now resonate worldwide. In the nearly 150 years since then, this invention has changed the world. Bell’s breakthrough involved more than just the creation of a new device. It challenged the way we interact with each other and the world around us.
As the world reveled at the telephone’s initial capabilities, Bell went to work on several other inventions, including the flying machine and metal detector, to name just a couple. However, it didn’t take long for his electrical speech machine to evolve. Ten years after Bell patented his telephone, the first long-distance line was installed – it ran from New York to Philadelphia!
Landline Phones have been in the market for nearly 150 years, with a rise in mobile phones in the 1980s. Most of our younger generation might be very unaware of the importance of a regular landline phone since they have seen mobile phones right from their first day in this world.
Phones got smart in 2004 when Blackberry added full web-browsing capabilities to its line of cellphones. In the future, these smartphones will be replaced by a higher form of technology. And it’s hard to imagine that one day the smartphone will be considered antiquated.
How Can We Celebrate National Telephone Day
In honor of National Telephone Day, we should all take a minute and put our cell phones down. I challenge you to make a call with a good old landline phone at least once today. The day encourages us to reflect on the incredible evolution that has led us to today’s digital smartphones.
On National Telephone Day bridge the gap between you and those you love with a text, call, or video chat and celebrate the device that is as miraculous today as the day it was invented. On National Telephone Day, surprise your friends by making a phone call. Feeling nostalgic? Inquire with your grandparents about the amount of energy required to “dial” a phone — and why they disliked numbers with a lot of zeroes.
Share the hashtag #NationalTelephoneDay on your social media with a post of different phones you have used, or a photo of some old telephone once used.
Suggested Read: World Telecommunication and Information Society Day