International Yoga Day – June 21

International Day of Yoga or Yoga day is celebrated on June 21 every year since its inception in 2015. Yoga is a 5,000-year-old physical, mental and spiritual practice Having its origin in India, Which Aims to transform both body and mind.
The Theme for 2024 is ‘Yoga for Self and Society.’
On December 11 in 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga. The declaration came after the call for the adoption of June 21st as International Day of Yoga by Hon’ble Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014, wherein he stated:
“Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies the unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature. “

In Suggesting June 21, which is the Summer Solstice, as the International Day of Yoga, Mr. Narendra Modi had said that
“The date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world. “
Yogi and mystic, Sadhguru note the importance of this day in the yogic tradition:
“On the day of the summer solstice, Adiyogi turned south and first set his eyes on the Saptarishis or Seven Sages, who were his first disciples to carry the science of yoga to many parts of the world. It is wonderful that June 21 marks this momentous event in the history of humanity.”
The best thing about yoga and asanas is that they can be practiced by people of all age groups. There is no differentiation for exercises to be performed by young and old people alike. Although for the best results one should start early and not leave it in between. In the daily routines’ of people, there should be a time slot for yoga because it is one of the greatest stress-busters and helps people keep up with good health in the long run.

10 Benefits of Yoga
1. Reduces stress
Yoga helps to ease stress in your body by decreasing the fight or flight response.
2. Attain peace of mind
Through yoga, you cleanse your body and mind systematically, removing the build-up of tension giving you a healthy body and a positive mind.
3. Reduces chances of heart disease
Performing a variety of yoga postures gently stretches and exercises muscles, it quiets the nervous system and eases stress, which helps in preventing heart disease, and can definitely help people with cardiovascular problems.
4. Increase lung capacity
Yogic breathing involves abdominal, thoracic, and clavicular breathing. It is used to maximize inhalation and exhalation and increase oxygenation and lung capacity.
5. Improves digestion
Various yoga posture helps improve digestion. It reduces any muscular tension and brings the blood pressure level under control. It can aid in healing many types of chronic digestive complaints.
6. Increase muscles strength
Yoga poses will help you to build up your arm and leg muscles. Yoga lengthens and builds the functional strength of your muscles.
7. Healthy Joints
Yoga will help your joints, it will help to cushion the ends of the bones, allowing them to glide over each other, lessening the friction.
8. Boosts immunity
When you move organs around during yoga the lymphatic system fight infection, destroys cancerous cells, and dispose of the toxic waste products of cellular functioning.
9. Removes Insomnia
Yoga significantly improved sleep quality for people with insomnia. You find yourself in a calm state of mind your mind slows down and you can sleep better.
10. Weight Reduction
Yoga is very helpful for reducing weight by lowering the levels of stress hormones and increasing insulin sensitivity. So your body will burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat.