Inspiring Quotes by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji was the most powerful, valiant king and a secular ruler who founded the Maratha Kingdom. He won various battles with the Mughals. He was known as the Father of the Indian Navy as he formed a naval force to protect its coastline and Mountain Rat for his guerrilla warfare tactics.
Here we are sharing some inspiring quotes of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj which will surely increase your self-confidence in any endeavor.
Never bend your head always hold it high.
Verily, Islam and Hinduism are terms of contrast. They are used by the true Divine Painter for blending the colors and filling in the outlines. if it is a mosque, the call to prayer is chanted in remembrance of Him. If it is a temple, the bells are rung in yearning for Him alone.
No need to be learned from own fault. We can learn a lot from others’ mistakes.
It is better to think about the result of the work you are about to do because our next generation will follow the same.
The whole world respects those who bend before Dharma, Truth, Excellence, and God!
Time itself changes for those determined to constantly work towards their goal even in the worst of times.
Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a Mother.
Freedom is a boon, which everyone has the right to receive.
Even if there were a sword in the hands of everyone, it is willpower that establishes a government.
First of all teachers, then parents, and then God, means we should consider the nation first and not ourselves.
When you are enthusiastic, the mountain also looks like a clay pile.
To achieve any goal in life, we must make plans for it. With better planning, you can easily achieve your goal.
Self-confidence provides strength and Power impart knowledge. Knowledge provides stability and stability leads to victory.
A person who continues to work consistently, even in his struggle times. For him, time itself changes its way.
Do not think of the enemy as weak, but do not also overestimate their strength.
The strongest of enemies can be defeated with your conviction, determination, and passion.
One small step taken to reach a small milestone later helps you achieve the bigger goal.
- It is not bravery necessarily that to defeat your enemy, you must go in front of him. Bravery is in the victory.
A courageous & brave man also bends in the honour of the learned and wise. Because courage also comes from knowledge and wisdom.
- If a tree, which is not a highly elevated living entity, can be so tolerant and merciful to give sweet mangoes even when hit by anyone; being a king, should I not be more merciful and tolerant than the tree?