Earth Hour – Turn Off Your Lights For One Hour

Earth hour is an grassroots global campaign that takes place every year. Turn off your light from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 26, 2022, the last Saturday of March. An event to draw attention to climate change and for people to do there a bit to support the stand.
“Earth Hour aims to increase awareness and spark global conversations on protecting nature, tackling the climate crisis, and working together to shape a brighter future for us all,” the WWF says on the Earth Hour website.
It starts with a symbolic way to show support for our planet by switching off our lights, but Earth Hour goes far beyond that. It’s an opportunity for you to start changing the planet for the better, and for all of us to work together to protect and restore nature.
Goal: The goal of Earth Hour is to unite people around the world to raise awareness about climate change and commit to actions that will help protect our planet.
The World Wildlife Fund WWF started Earth Hour in 2007 in Australia and now have become a worldwide movement. Held every year on the last Saturday of March, Earth Hour engages supporters in more than 190 countries and territories, all taking action to ensure a brighter future for people and the planet.
In Sydney, all the harborside buildings switched off there lights, Empire State Building, the Kremlin, Big Ben, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, and Egypt’s pyramids were other major monuments to participate by switching off their lights.
Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Coliseum and our Niagara Falls all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.
Each year, Earth Hour aims to show the actions that people, businesses and governments world-wide are taking to reduce their environmental impact. Thereby establishing and encouraging others to join an interconnected global community engaged in dialogue and resource sharing that generates real solutions to environmental challenges.
The official Earth Hour website suggests seven ways that supporters can spend their lights-off hour, including reconnecting with nature and attending local Earth Hour events in their communities.
How it is celebrated
Every year, millions of people observe the event by switching off their electric lights for a single hour on the last Saturday in March.
The annual highlight of Earth Hour sees the world’s most iconic landmarks go dark for one designated hour, as hundreds of millions of people transcend race, religion, culture, society, generation and geography, switching off their lights in a global celebration of their commitment to protect the one thing that unites us all – the planet.
Global landmarks — including the Sydney Opera House, the Gateway of India, the Beijing Phoenix Center in China, the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, the Colosseum in Italy, the Empire State Building in the United States and Christ the Redeemer in Brazil — will turn off their lights to show support for the campaign.
The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities, households, and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. towards the end of March, as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour in 2022 is held on March 26.
This Earth Hour, join millions around the world to turn off the lights and speak up why nature matters.
Suggested Read: Earth Day