The Changing Face Of Indian Society

Indian society had a glorious era during the past, we were one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. The Aryans, the West Asians, and the Dravidians made economic and social progress. No other nation has a rich cultural heritage as India had.
We were indeed respected for our cultural past and societal wisdom. But what was in the past will remain past, the future of Indian society is very complex. We are deeply rooted in spirituality, but we are totally attracted to materialism. The caste system, Untouchability were things of the past and are abolished and banned, but still, politicians use them as their most common tool to fill their vote bank.
Social changes mean changes in infrastructural facilities, culture, tradition, behavioral attitude, norms of living and change are natural processes that have continued for ages and will continue in the future too.
Social changes are transformations at the level of behavior, thoughts, and actions and they are affected by demographic, technological, political, economic, cultural, legal, and other factors. Social conflict and growth of knowledge give rise to social changes which along with advancement in the field of science and technology bring a change in the outlook of the society.
Demographic factors also contribute to social changes like high population growth leads to poverty, illiteracy, housing, and health problems, and all these affect our social climate. Rapid industrialization causes economic development and urbanization and causes the growth of slums in urban areas. Economic upliftment is brought by the abolition of landlord-ism, it reduces the exploitation of the landless laborers.
Cultural factors like Sanskritisation, the process explaining the upward mobility of a sub-caste group in a caste system have brought changes in the caste system, traditional attitudes, and customs of the people. After India’s independence, the law has played a major role in social changes. The government has taken numerous steps in the legal field which have benefited our society.
The backbone of the social structure is the family which is regarded as an ideal and perfect living arrangement universally. The joint family system is in existence in India since ancient times, today due to various reasons the joint family is extinct some of the factors are people go far in search of jobs and better opportunities, people migrate toward towns and cities for a better life.
The overcrowded and congested living conditions, lack of space, and high cost of living in the cities have given birth to the nuclear family system. The nuclear family consists of a man, his wife, and their children it got its own advantage and disadvantage but this is the modern era where everybody wants to be independent. But age-old grandparents and parents should not be deprived of the love and care of their near and dear ones.
Also Read: Culture of India
India with a strong culture & heritage had practices like festivals, melas, community gatherings, and even marriages happening to be reasons for socializing. The sands of time worked and many events moved out from the social calendar. Today’s economic and technological advancement is rising fast, economic independence gives rise to individualism, which affects both men and women especially women have been affected a lot by it.
Modern Indian women are independent they have two priority home and workplace and their modern husband also helps the wife in the realignment of the traditional Indian structure of the division of labor. He feels equally caring to shoulder the responsibility at the home front. This also brings changes in social attitude toward women in society, though this process is very slow.
Today society is more liberal than before, in this age of individualism authority is no longer unquestionably accepted even by the children. This is the era of information technology and children are more aware than parents. Children are given all material comforts which are thought to replace the love and affection of parents and both parents are professionals and hardly get time to spend with their children.
In this fast-changing, self-centered, hypocritical world parents also feel the need to safeguard their children from going astray. The age-old values of tolerance, hospitality, attachment, politeness, and patience are fading out fast and children are more tend to go astray at every step.
Along with this, there are some pleasant changes that have also occurred in society. Today is the world of technological advancement that has changed the life of the common man. Cable TV, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets, and the internet have made a great change in the lifestyle of the people. Even in villages gas stoves and biogas have brought a massive change. Machines and hybrid seeds have become lucrative in agriculture and brought changes in the agriculture sector too.
With the development of road and railway network, the distance between places have reduced communication system has been revolutionized with satellites and general awareness among people have increased.
Exposure to international culture has also brought changes in our lifestyle, dress code, food habits, and outlook and has deeply influenced our minds. Drastic changes have occurred in the field of education, the Government has also come up with plans to increase the literacy rate in the country. A large number of central universities and private universities offer many academic and well professional courses. This helps the student to get a job in the modern and competitive world.
The changes in dynamic society are inevitable but they must be guided by some principles which ensure a better future and result in a progressive society. Where people share peace and prosperity and should herald a better life.