10 Worst Hair Care Mistakes

Hair Care Mistakes that you need to take care of and are ruining your lustrous and beautiful hair.
1. Washing your hair every day
The more you shampoo your hair, the more you are removing the healthy oils from your hair that are protecting and keeping your hair healthy. But it is important to wash your hair properly. You should not pile your hair on top of your head and massage it vigorously. This can make your hair a tangled mess and you can end up losing more hair when you try to comb the tangles out.
2. Not using a good product
Buy a High-Quality Hair Growth Product, you go all-natural. Unnatural hair care products are a no-no for someone who wants long-lasting, healthy hair growth. Find a hair growth product that contains powerful essential oils, natural herbs, and vitamin-rich nutrients your hair needs to survive. Look for products with ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. Make sure you stray away from all-natural products that use natural extracts. Extracts are not as powerful as essentials oils.
3. Using too much Heat
Heat is the biggest thing that will damage your hair, Blowdrying, Curling, Straightening. It’s no secret that hot tools have become an invaluable resource when it comes to taming otherwise unruly strands. The trick to using a heat tool is not to leave it in one spot. Constantly keep it moving. Don’t put the heat on too high. It should be just hot enough to curl/straighten your hair, but not hot enough to burn it. Curling irons aren’t bad for your hair either
4. Skipping Conditioner
If you have super dry hair, you need a conditioner to hydrate and restore moisture to the hair follicles. Even if you feel like your hair is generally really healthy, shampoo is super drying, and lathering up without conditioner could leave your hair weak and brittle, and therefore more susceptible to damage.
5. Brushing too much
Cut back on how often you brush your hair, over-brushing can make your hair static-y, and it can lead to split ends and breakage. Brush your hair less and use your fingers to style your hair more often, instead of your brush.
6. Not using natural oil to moisturize your hair
Simply apply a luxurious treatment oil formula–with ingredients like gardenia, coconut or Tahitian Manoi oil–to your dry hair, and comb through with a wide-tooth comb. The vitamins and essential fatty acids naturally found in oil nourish the scalp and help to remove sebum build-up from hair follicles.
7. Brushing your hair while it’s wet
Wet hair is more prone to breaking than dry hair, so it is preferable to comb wet hair using a wide-toothed comb so as to minimize the pulling and breaking of your hair.
8. Not being patient with your tangles
You probably should wait until your hair is 70-80% dry before you begin to brush through it. Any time before that could mean you’re brushing out the conditioning treatments and good oils and nutrients. Allow your hair to breathe for a little bit if you have the time.
9. Skipping regular trims
Trimming is necessary for keeping the ends from splitting and looking frayed, thereby giving the appearance of healthier and longer hair. When ends split and are severely damaged, they can cause breakage and that breakage travels up the hair shaft. A regular trim should be apart of your healthy hair regimen.
10. Not protecting your hairs from Chlorine
The chlorine used to keep out harmful bacteria from the pool water can also strip your hair of its natural oils. Dry hair will absorb chlorine directly into the hair shaft, but wet hair will slow down its absorption. Wet your hair and add an oil or silicone-based hair product like conditioner, serum, or coconut oil. This will act as a barrier to chlorine without leaving a residue in the water.
Suggested Read: Tips for Hair Care